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Basket Audit Evaluation Service

This document details the Basket Audit Evaluation service, a key component of the Loss Prevention system. This service determines the necessity of a basket audit for self-service checkouts and the scope of the audit (partial or full), based on predefined rules (also called triggers) and risk factors.


The Basket Audit Evaluation service analyzes the contents of a self-service basket and determines whether a full or partial audit should be performed. This decision is based on a variety of factors, including the rules/triggers listed below.


The service receives basket information as input, including items, quantities, and customer identifiers. It then applies the configured rules/triggers and risk assessment algorithms to generate an output indicating whether an audit is recommended and the type of audit (full or partial). This decision is communicated downstream to the Basket Audit service.


The Basket Audit Evaluation service integrates seamlessly with other components of the Loss Prevention ecosystem:

  • Input: Receives basket data from a Self-Service checkout or process.
  • Output: Sends audit decisions (including the audit type) as a response and to the Basket Audit service via Pub/Sub. This real-time notification triggers the audit process if required.
  • Configuration: Rules/triggers and risk factors are configurable, allowing for customization based on specific store requirements and loss prevention strategies. This includes the criteria for determining partial versus full audits. The rules/triggers and their thresholds are stored and configured on the trustlevel services.


The following rules/triggers can be used for audit evaluation:

Rule/Trigger NameDescriptionGoalStatusRelated Jira Ticket(s)
AmountTrigger based on the basket total of the self-service basket.Check customers who scan very few or a lot of items based on the total amount.DoneSLP-35
AmountPerHourTrigger based on the basket total scanned in an hour.Check customers who scan a small amount compared to the time spent in the store.BacklogSLP-513
ItemCountTrigger based on the number of items in the self-service basket.Check customers who scan very few or a lot of items.DoneSLP-30

Data & Events

The primary output of this service is an audit decision as a response and published to Pub/Sub. This event contains:

  • Request ID: Identifier for the audit decission, will be unique for every evaluation. (if the same basket id is reused there will be two request id's and potentially two audits)
  • Audit Decision: Boolean value indicating whether an audit is recommended (true/false).
  • Audit Type: String value indicating the type of audit: "FULL" or "PARTIAL".

Further Information

Specific documentation and schemas for the Pub/Sub output messages are available separately. Refer to those resources for detailed implementation guidance. Please contact the development team for any further questions or clarifications.